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The settlement of Bukhara in Uzbekistan dates back to the 8th century when it was for 200 years the center of an expanding Islamic kingdom and prospered as a trade and intellectual center for Central Asia. During the Mongol invasion, It was destroyed by Genghis Khan in 1219. Subsequently it was ruled by a succession of regional powers, including descendants of Genghis Khan, Turks, and Uzbeks. Once one of Islam''s most sacred cities, Bukhara contains many examples of fine Islamic architecture. These include the Kalyan minaret, 47 meters high. It was known as the "tower of death", because during the emir''s time criminals were tied up in sacks and thrown from the top. Also, it was one of the few buildings to survive the rule of Genghis Khan, himself so impressed that the chose not to destroy it. The stunning Samanid emperors'' mausoleum, one of the world''s oldest monuments was found under meters of sand in the 1030''s.

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