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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to go to Uzbekistan?
Spring (April to June) and Fall (September through October) are in general the most pleasant times to travel. The weather is mild and in April the desert blooms briefly. In Fall it''s harvest time, and the markets are full of fresh fruit. If you''re interested in trekking, then summer (July and August) is the best time, because summers are almost dry.
Passports and Visas: What is required?
All foreign nationals are required to have a visa to enter Uzbekistan. To obtain a visa you need visa support from national tourism agency or from one of authorized independent travel agencies. US and German citizens are not required to have a visa support, although they still need a visa to enter the country. Read more.

What is the voltage in Uzbekistan?
The voltage is 220 V. To use a 110/120 volt appliance (U.S. appliance) where there is only 220/240 power available, you must use a step down or combination converter. Your appliance''s wattage and circuitry will dictate the converter you need to purchase.
Do Women have clothing limitations?
In general, there are no strict limitations on clothing, especially in Tashkent and other major cities, where particularly young people enjoy full liberty with clothing. You can frequently encounter young ladies wearing traditional Islamic covers, but this is a personal preference rather than a must.
In some provinces, however, such as Ferghana Valley, it would be better to avoid wearing shorts. Same rule is applied when visiting religious places, mosques, mausoleums, etc. Also, ladies should cover their shoulders and chest and preferably wear a hat or a headscarf.
In summer time it would be advisable to follow the above recommendation to protect yourself from the sun. Also, sun protection lotions can be used.
Is it possible to enjoy alcoholic beverage?
It is not forbidden to have alcoholic food or beverage, to trade with alcohol, and to serve alcohol.
Is it possible to bring alcoholic beverage to Uzbekistan?
Entering Uzbekistan, you can bringing alcoholic beverages up to two bottles per person. It is also possible to get alcoholic beverages almost all over the country.
Is it safe to drink the water from the tap?
Drinking the water directly from the tap is not recommended, but it can be used after it has been boiled. Bottled water is widely available throughout the country. During our tours bottled water is provided free of charge.
What kind of vegetarian food is available in Uzbekistan?
Vegetarians have to order specially prepared food, as there is usually no vegetarian food available. There is a big selection of fresh vegetables and fruits in local markets.
Is there coffee in Uzbekistan?
Unlike tea, coffee is not popular among Uzbeks. In certain places it is not possible to get coffee. There are rarely hotels offering french coffee, instead there is instant coffee available.
What kind of bread do the Uzbeks have?
Uzbek bread is flat, and varying. Different sorts of flat bread, baked in traditional ways, is available.
What is the Uzbek currency?
Uzbekistan''s official currency is Som. Soms come in banknote denominations of 100, 200, 500, and 1.000. Coins, although exist, are rarely used.
Is it possible to pay by a credit card?
In some places, it is possible to pay by credit cards. Master Card and Visa are accepted.
Why don''t you offer flights?
We believe that offering a tour without the flight gives you several advantages. You are able to look around for the best deals on offer, probably saving yourself a lot of money. Also you have far greater flexibility in deciding which airline you might prefer to book with, where you want to come from, or where you might want to stop off en-route. As well as these, many people join our tours when they are already in the country, removing the need for a flight altogether. You can check http://www.uzbekistan-airways.biz for good deals on flights from European destinations.
I would like to join one of your tours with some of my friends. Can you offer us a discount?
We try to help groups keen on joining our trips in several ways. Anyone who has been on one of our tours before may benefit from our ''refer a friend'' scheme. We also try to offer group discounts for parties of over 4 persons. Please contact us for specific details for your tour.

Like your tours but would like to d o something different. Do you do tailor-made tours?
If you have a group who are interested in some form of adventure travel linked to the activities or destinations in which we operate, please contact us and we will try to work together to create exactly what you are looking for. We are keen to help in this way, as in some cases in the past, this has given us new ideas for tours to run permanently.
I''m really interested in one of your packages; I''m just not sure whether I''m fit enough or if it''s right for me?
Each of our tours is graded, enabling you to determine prior to booking whether or not it''s suitable for you. You should be fairly confident that you match our criteria for taking part in that particular activity.

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