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Tashkent is the capital of modern Uzbekistan. The first information about Tashkent appeared in ancient chronicles of the East in the 2nd century BC. Tashkent was mentioned under the name Uni. In the 3rd century BC Persian called it Chah, the Arabs - Shash, the Turks - Tash. The final name of Tashkent was approved only in the 17th century. Even by the Middle Ages, Tashkent was well developed as a center of agriculture, a city of craftsmen and well protected on its borders from northern nomadic tribes. At various times Tashkent has been part of Kushan Empire and Iftalit`s state, then of the Turkish Kaganat and Arabian Khalifat, Persian kings Samanids and Karakhanids nomads. It was conquered by Chingizkhan and Tamerlan, and for a long time was under power of the Kokand Khanstva and at the end of the 19th century was conquered by Russia, becoming the center of Turkestan region, and since 1930 Tashkent has been the capital of Uzbekistan. Today Tashkent is a modern city with a population of more than 2,5 million. It is situated in the Chirchik river plain at an altitude of 480 m. above sea level, and holds a territory of 30 thousand hectares. After a disastrous earthquake in 1966, the city was rebuilt and became one of the most beautiful administrative and cultural, industrial centers of Asia. The architectural appearance of Tashkent distinguishes the obviously expressive national coloring: ultra modern buildings harmoniously neighbor medieval monuments, and there is much greenery, parks, and fountains. Tashkent is the air gate of Uzbekistan, and the international airport can accept any types of aero plane from more than 50 cities of the world. Hundreds of international congresses, workshops, conferences, festivals and sporting competitions take place annually in Tashkent. Thousand of tourists and businessmen visit Tashkent every year, and get acquainted with its monuments and ancient Uzbek culture.

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