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Uzbekistan Visa
In general all foreign nationals are required to have business or tourist visas to enter the Republic of Uzbekistan. To obtain the tourist visa, all foreign nationals, except citizens of USA, France, Italy, Belgium, UK, Northern Ireland, Japan, Germany, Austria, Spain, and Switzerland, need a visa support from Uzbektourism, the national tourism agency, or from one of the authorized independent travel agencies. Visa support application is submitted by the travel agency to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent. The approval period is about 7-10 business days. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to deny any application for visa support without providing further explanations. Approved visa support is faxed directly to the embassy or consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the country where the traveler is receiving visa.
Tourist Visa :
In order to enter Uzbekistan visitor from every country (except for some CIS countries) must have a valid visa issued by an Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate abroad. For those nationals whose countries do not have an Uzbekistan Embassy or General consulate, visas must be obtained from the nearest Embassy or General Consulate .
Transit visas :
In the case of a transit via Uzbekistan, while travelling to a third country, including Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, all visitors must have transit visas issued beforehand by an Uzbekistan Embassy or General Consulate abroad.
Visa extensions :
A tourist visa can be extended in Uzbekistan.
Where to apply for Uzbekistan Visa?

You can apply for a visa where Uzbekistan Embassies or Consulates exist.
It is possible to obtain a visa at the international arrivals lounge of Tashkent airport, if the following conditions are met:
- In the country of origin of the tourists there is no Uzbekistan Embassy and Consulate and
- The tourist has a connection flight to Uzbekistan, which does not leave him enough time to go the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the second country from which he is flying to Uzbekistan, or
- He is flying to Uzbekistan directly from the country where Uzbekistan has no Embassy or Consulate.
Copies of airplane tickets (which prove the above) should be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tashkent together with visa applications form. If visa support is approved, officials from visa department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs will issue visas at the airport.

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